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Global Federation of Chinese Business Women

Greater Los Angeles Chapter Background

世華大洛杉磯分會, "GFCBW Greater Los Angeles Chapter" 簡稱為GFCBW-GLA非營利組織,於2018年12月準備創會, 於2019年5月5日正式成立, 成為全世界世華組織的第66分會. 本會是世界華人工商婦女企管協會(簡稱世華)在大洛杉磯地區的分會。


在大洛杉磯地區有許多優秀成功的工商婦女企業主體認唯有互助合作才能互惠互利,此外也有心回饋社會,幫助正在打拼事業的工商婦女, 我們的姐妹同胞。



結合工商婦女,成為彼此的良師益友,共創商機,分享知識, 服務社會。


  1. 積極帶動世華與LA各種商會和各級政府商業部門的互動交流,分享商機,讓姐妹能受惠。

  2. 提供姐妹們一個能夠傳承,貢獻及分享專業知識,法規政策和商機的平台。

  3. 增進大洛杉磯世華分會與其他國內外分會及各企業的定期交流,鼓勵姐妹之間可為彼此經營上的「良師益友」。

  4. 本著世華的宗旨”心懷世界”,”掌握脈動”,”建立網絡”,”發展經貿” 推廣國民外交,讓世華在LA的商圈具影响力,更能展現外交的軟實力。



總會會歌圖檔          世華聯誼之歌

GFCBW Greater Los Angeles Chapter, referred as GFCBW-GLA, is a non-profit organization formally founded in May 5th, 2019.  We are the 66th branch of Global Federation of Chinese Business Women (GFCBW) worldwide, the greater Los Angeles branch.

Why did we create GFCBW Greater Los Angeles Chapter?

There are many successful Chinese businesswomen in the greater Los Angeles area. We realize that mutual alliance creates mutual benefits and synergy.  In addition, we want to give back to our community by helping fellow Chinese businesswomen to expand their business creating "pay it forward" in our community.

GFCBW-GLA Mission Statement

To inspire businesswomen to explore opportunity, share knowledge and serve the community through networking and mentoring.


GFCBW-Greater Los Angeles Chapter's Vision

  1. Actively promote the interaction between GFCBW-GLA and various LA chambers of commerce and business associations at all levels, and share business opportunities so that all our members can benefit.

  2. Provide a platform for our members to contribute and share professsional expertise, regulatory policies and business opportunities.

  3. Promote exchanges between GFCBW-GLA and other GFCBW chapters and corporate enterprises.  Encourage our members to work together as “mentors and friends” to strengthen participation of local business women in GFCBW-GLA.

  4. In line with GFCBW headquarter's mission of "envisionging the world", "embracing the trend", "establishing networks" and "developing economy and trade" to promote diplomacy, GFCBW will have a greater influence in LA's business circle and more able to demonstrate the soft power of diplomacy.



More about GFCBW Headquarter

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